ФИНИШЕР: - Go to Sleep
- Pepsi Plunge
- Anaconda Vice
СИГНАТУРЫ: - Charging High Knee + Buldogg
[реклама вместо картинки] - Springboard Clothesline
ПРИЁМЫ: - Backbreaker
- Headbutt to Mid + Swinging Neckbreaker
- Devil Lock DDT
- Powerslam
- Superplex
[реклама вместо картинки] - Suplex - Spinning Wheel Kick
- Vertical Suplex
- Shinning Wizard
[реклама вместо картинки] - T-Bone Suplex
[реклама вместо картинки] - Welcome to Chicago Motherfucker - Belly to Belly Suplex
- Kick + Enzuigiri Kick to the Ringside
- Punk Handle Driver
- Corckscrew Blockbuster
- Inverted Pepsi Plunge
- Back Body Drop to the Public Zone
- Baseball Slide + Enzuigiri Kick
- Corner Clothesline
- Tornado DDT
- Flapjack to the Corner
- Leg Feed Enzuigiri Kick
- Scoop Slam + Running Leg Drop
- High Knee Smash
[реклама вместо картинки] - Crossbody - Arm Wrench + Kick
- Kicks x3 + Jumping Calf Kick
- Dropkick (with the enemy Sit)
- Rocket Launcher to the Corner
- Jumping Calf Kick
- Back Body Drop
- Snap Suplex
- Strong Irish Whip to the Corner
- Springboard Dropkick
- Scoop Slam + Leg Drop
- Powerbomb
- Lariat x2
- Springboard Crossbody (ringside)
- Corner Clothesline + Throw to the Corner + Russian Leg Sweep
- Inverted Huracanrrana
- Arm Whip x2
- Hip Toss
- Slingshot Suplex
- Arm Twist Ropewalk Leg Drop
- Back Body Drop to the Ringside
- Backbreaker
- Buldogg
- CM Punk Combo
- Combo finished by a Lariat
- Counter + Shinning Wizard
- Diving Huracanrrana
- Diving Leg Drop
- Double Hunderhook Suplex
- Free Fall Drop + Shinning Wizard
- Fame Asser
- Hip Toss + Dropkick
- Irish Whip to the Barricade
- Monkey Flip
- Diving Moonsault
- Neckbreaker
- Pepsi Twist
- Piledriver
- Scoop Slam + Flapjack + Kick to Face
- Diving Buldogg
- Snapmare + Dropkick to Back
- Fireman`s Carry Cutter
- Suicide Dive
- Third Rope Neckbreaker
- Inertia DDT
- Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker
- Vaulting Body Press
- Standing Huracanrrana
- Belly to Back Suplex
- Jawbreaker + Shinning Wizard
- Belly to Belly Slam
- ?¿?¿?¿?¿
- Throw to the Ringpost
- Snapmare + Kick to Back + Leg Drop
- Wheelbarrow Buldogg
- Welcome to Chicago Motherfucker + Backbreaker
- Armlock + Elbow Smash to Arm x3 + Foot Stomp to Arm
- Knee Drop x2
- Big Boot
- Front Facelook Cutter
- Spinebuster
- Russian Leg Sweep
БОЛЕВЫЕ: - Boston Crab
- Cloverleaf
- Headlock
- Armbar with Ropes
- Top Rope Chicken Wings
- Figure Four Leg Lock
- Gory Special
- Devil Lock
- Ankle Lock